La ditta IT-TECH si propone come buyer per le aziende orafe di tutto il mondo, selezionando sul mercato i prodotti richiesti dai propri clienti.


Individuati i macchinari d’interesse, IT-TECH ne cura l’acquisto, la revisione, il collaudo e la messa a norma, in modo da consegnare ai committenti un prodotto affidabile con un sensibile risparmio nei tempi e nei costi.

IT-TECH company offers itself as buyer for companies in the worldwide jewelery industry, selecting on the market the second hand machines of its customers interest.


IT-TECH, after identifying such machinery, takes care of the purchase, the refurbishment and testing of them in order to deliver to its customers a reliable product with a considerable saving in time and costs.





It-Tech srl

Via Nardi,110 - 36060 Romano d'Ezzelino

Vicenza - Italy

Tel/Fax: 0039 0424 818038

p.i. 03920030248

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